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So, what's this site all about?

Alas, this long life of a computer game has come to an end, or has it?

Homeworld has long been a part of our lives, and has played its course, and pretty much died. If you go out searching on Google to find websites dedicated to things dealing with Homeworld, you will find that most, if not all of the sites have long been abandoned, usually somewhere in the 2006-'07 year range. It's also sad to see most of them were made with frames (a terrible web design practice lol). Sure it's an old game, but it was fun, and delivers that type of game play not matched by any other game, although we have all tried.

This brings me to this final point: we miss Homeworld, and we will come back to play it. Unfortunately, all those wonderful sites devoted to this spectacular game have all but been lost, and the multiplayer servers have long been forgotten by Sierra. My hope with this site is to bring together what pieces are left and raise this back up like a phoenix from it's ashes. It will have to be a community effort, but together I'm sure we can do it.

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